
Deliflor continues on after achieving substrate goal

Supplying high-quality and innovative substrates with a lower CO2 footprint is important for both humans and the environment. To be able to produce innovative substrates with the best results in practice, Klasmann-Deilmann collaborates with pioneering customers. Deliflor Chrysanthemums is one of these innovation-partners, with whom additional possibilities for further sustainability are being explored.

On 18 November 2022, 15 parties signed the covenant for continued acceleration of the reduction of the environmental impact of potting soil and substrates. Its goal was to increase the percentage of renewable raw materials in substrates. Klasmann-Deilmann has initiated the transition towards renewable raw materials for substrates globally. The result speaks for itself.

‘Long before this covenant appeared, Deliflor was already working on trials to reduce the percentage of peat in the blocking substrates. We wanted to fulfil the wishes of society and end-users promptly, especially those in the retail sector,’ confirmed Janpieter van Velden, operational manager at Deliflor.

Stability is the basis
‘To develop another composition of substrates, a number of fundamental values are important. One of them is the stability of the blocking substrate,’ stated Gerard Wapenaar, product manager at Klasmann-Deilmann. Together with Deliflor, Wapenaar elucidated the critical factors and researched the plantability in an intensive and precise test process. Van Velden added, ‘Because we started early with extensive testing, we were well prepared to make the transition to the new blocking substrate.’

‘Dealing with a new substrate requires integration in the entire process,’ continued Wapenaar. Along with stability of the material and plantability, a complete system integration is needed at Deliflor Chrysanthemums. The automation is so finely attuned that a change in composition also affects the applied technology. ‘It was an intensive process of testing and finetuning that ultimately produced the desired result,’ said Van Velden. ‘The collaboration with Klasmann-Deilmann worked well, and the entire automation process now runs smoothly.’

Next challenge
Now that the target goal for use of renewable raw materials has been achieved well in advance of the deadline, both parties are examining possibilities for further sustainability. Wapenaar explained, ‘Together with Deliflor we are looking at how we can continue collaborating to increase the percentage of renewable raw materials even more. Each plant species has a unique response. Knowledge of the cultivation method and the substrate is essential for further development. With the team at Deliflor, we are collaborating intensively on the next step to take.’ Van Velden added, ‘Along with improving the sustainability of the substrate, we at Deliflor are also looking at alternative routes to reduce the environmental impact, for example by propagation in plugs. At our Deliflor Hoogveld location we are realising great advances in this.’

Deliflor and Klasmann-Deilmann are working together to create an innovative and sustainable future!

Deliflor continues on after achieving substrate goal

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