
FlowerPortal and Bachetle Spol win prizes!

Loyal buyers of Commander Pink have once again received prizes! This beautiful pink spray chrysanthemum now has a strong base of dedicated fans. Every buyer of this variety automatically enters a monthly drawing to win luxurious Rituals sets. This time, FlowerPortal and Bachetle are the lucky winners. FlowerPortal was surprised with delightful Rituals packages during the TradeFair. Christina gladly accepted these at their stand, decorated with a beautiful floral arch that became a popular photo spot for visitors.

Bachetle is the other winner of several wonderful packages and is also a loyal buyer of Commander Pink.

We are now entering the final round of this promotional campaign, so all buyers have one last chance to win these great prizes. Buyers who have yet to win: the odds of winning are only increasing, as all previous winners are no longer eligible. Make sure to join the pool of potential winners for a last chance to win! At the end of 2024, we will announce the final winners.

FlowerPortal and Bachetle Spol win prizes! FlowerPortal and Bachetle Spol win prizes!

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