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Summerlove...... The new spray chrysanthemum from Deliflor, with its soft salmon-pink color and sweet appearance, evokes memories of warm, romantic summers and endless sunsets. Like a summer love, it shines in full glory, and each petal carries the promise of a new beginning, even as the seasons change. This variety is supplied by G&G Flowers and has been promoted to buyers this week.


Infinity Chrysanten has planted its first chrysanthemum cuttings at its brand-new 4-hectare facility in Bruchem. For this milestone, Deliflor Hoogveld delivered its first-ever plug-rooted cuttings. Infinity, a member of the Kreling cooperative, holds the primeur for this innovation.

The decision to opt for plug-rooted cuttings stems from several factors, according to owner Arné Kreling. Key benefits include faster and more uniform root development in young chrysanthemum plants, enhanced growth uniformity, and reduced risks of pests and diseases. “Since root development in plugs progresses more quickly and plants establish better, the overall chrysanthemum cultivation cycle can be shortened. This means achieving a market-ready plant faster, which increases productivity,” explains Arné.

These anticipated benefits are currently the subject of practical research, with Deliflor Hoogveld closely monitoring developments. “We are committed to exploring all advancements that contribute to more sustainable chrysanthemum cultivation with reduced reliance on crop protection agents,” says Gert van de Werken, director of Deliflor Hoogveld. “As a leading and innovative rooting company, we strive for sustainability combined with economic benefits. Our new facility in Nieuwaal is already equipped for plug cultivation, so we’re prepared for wider adoption of this method.”

The plug trays used by Deliflor Hoogveld at their new facility were custom-developed in collaboration with Beekenkamp Verpakkingen. “This project highlights the added value of the diverse expertise within the Beekenkamp Group,” says Bob Persoon, sales manager at Beekenkamp Verpakkingen and a key player in the development of the plug trays. “Thanks to efficient collaboration, we achieved relatively rapid product development, ensuring the end product meets all specific requirements. Arthur Sitee, product developer at Beekenkamp Verpakkingen, played an essential role in this process.”


Loyal buyers of Commander Pink have once again received prizes! This beautiful pink spray chrysanthemum now has a strong base of dedicated fans. Every buyer of this variety automatically enters a monthly drawing to win luxurious Rituals sets. This time, FlowerPortal and Bachetle are the lucky winners. FlowerPortal was surprised with delightful Rituals packages during the TradeFair. Christina gladly accepted these at their stand, decorated with a beautiful floral arch that became a popular photo spot for visitors.

Bachetle is the other winner of several wonderful packages and is also a loyal buyer of Commander Pink.

We are now entering the final round of this promotional campaign, so all buyers have one last chance to win these great prizes. Buyers who have yet to win: the odds of winning are only increasing, as all previous winners are no longer eligible. Make sure to join the pool of potential winners for a last chance to win! At the end of 2024, we will announce the final winners.


The RoyalFloraHolland Tradefair 2024 was fantastic! It’s the perfect place to connect with customers from home and abroad, traders, florists, and everyone active in our beautiful floral industry. At Deliflor, we proudly showcased our latest chrysanthemum innovations, both at our own stand and at the in-house shows of our trade partners. Together, we’re bringing exciting new varieties to the world of chrysanthemums!

The week was filled with highlights:

- 🥉 3rd place in the Glazen Tulp Award in the Cut Flowers category for our unique disbudded chrysanthemum, Etrusko Orange, grown by Arcadia Chrysanten.

- 🤝 David Marin, Director of Deliflor Americas, was nominated for the Young International Grower of the Year Award 2025 by AIPH—a well-deserved recognition for his inspiring leadership and commitment to collaboration.

- 🤝 Nomination for our client Kreling Chrysanten for the Dutch Flower Award 2024, themed ‘long term partnership,’ which perfectly aligns with the values Kreling upholds in their cooperative.

- 🎁 Commander Pink campaign winners: FlowerPortal and Bachetle Spol were the lucky winners of our latest round, rewarded with delightful Rituals Giftsets for their loyalty to this beautiful new variety!


It was a week full of connections, innovations, and wonderful moments. A big thank you to everyone who made this Tradefair a success and who visited us in our stand! On to a colourful future full of growth and partnership!


